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How to Fight Threats in Cybercare


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fight cyberthreats in healthcare

To comply with mandated regulations, healthcare administrators must prioritize the digital security of their organization. Considerable effort must be taken to learn how to fight cyber threats in healthcare. Patients’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII) includes their names, addresses, social security numbers, and health insurance identification numbers must be protected through HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996). However, a significant number of cyber threats loom as identity theft and healthcare fraud presents a threat. In addition, cyber attackers are aiming to take control of healthcare organizations’ computer controlled devices.

What is a Cyber Threat?

A cyber threat is the possibility of an attempt to disrupt or damage a computer network or system. Cyber attacks on healthcare systems have caused administrations to prioritize security measures and identify how to fight these threats. Cyber hackers steal organizations’ protected information in order to sell, hold for ransom, or use for identity fraud purposes.

As a result, protection of internet applications has become the main priority for hospitals, facilities, and physician offices. Ransoms paid to release stolen information are costing the healthcare industry millions of dollars. Healthcare organizations must broaden their scope of security measures now that work-at-home opportunities in healthcare have increased exponentially in recent years.

Common Cyber Threats in Healthcare

Data Breaches

Data breaches are considered a constant threat to healthcare organizations. Regulations and laws maintaining the protection of patient information puts healthcare administrators to the test. Facilitating protection measures is a constant demand for IT departments. Meanwhile, compliance departments work full time to educate employees on how to maintain security measures on a daily basis. Also, software applications are in constant development while governmental agencies advise the healthcare industry on how to fight cyber threats in healthcare.

Insider Threats

Insider threats are extremely difficult for organizations to avoid. After all, employees have legitimate access to data within the organization and have the opportunity to access it. The reasons they might want to access this data include using it for their own illegal activity or selling it. (Of course, someone outside the organization may be enlisting the help of a trusted employee to get information.) Therefore, top security controls must be able to pinpoint this kind of breach coming from inside.


Phishing and pretexting is the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information like passwords or credit card numbers. These threats exist within the healthcare community as well as the private sector. Learning how to fight cyber threats in healthcare through protection software and employee education remains essential. After all, this is the most common form of cyber threat.

Denial of Service Schemes

Denial of service schemes prevent healthcare agencies from accessing their own information by flooding the internet with traffic. The situation presents itself when employees cannot access what they need to conduct business because of the denial of service. Unfortunately, hackers design more denial of service schemes every day. Therefore, it is imperative that internet security remains a top priority.

Malware and Ransomware

Malware and ransomware are considered “the silent threat” of cyber attackers. With just one click of an internet link, harmful applications install themselves within an organization’s computer system. Multiply this single threat by the number of individual users who might inadvertently access malware or ransomware, and the need for professional monitoring becomes apparent.

How to Fight Cyber Threats in Healthcare

Continual maintenance of data security measures must be implemented to fight cyber threats in healthcare. Employing a team of knowledgeable and vested internet security departments is of high importance. Also, checks and balances can be most beneficial by implementing compliance officers to educate personnel on how to protect data. Informing employees of malware delivery methods that introduce infection to the organization is also important.

Knowing how to fight cyber threats in healthcare calls for a wide scope of practices to achieve one important wall of security. It includes alerting all departments of the importance of securing and protecting every device in use. It also includes keeping security applications up-to-date and monitored to detect any incoming attack. The more informed employees are to the possibility of cyber attacks, the better the awareness of these vital security functions.

IT security departments can limit the impact of cyber hackers and protect access to medical devices from ransomware attacks by remaining vigilant. On all levels, they must form a secure protocol to identify threats and squash them before they can do any damage. Also, IT security departments must develop backup procedures to protect organizations from the loss of important information.

How to Fight Cyber Threats in Florida

Healthcare administrators researching how to fight cyber threats in healthcare organizations in Florida can contact Bloom Consulting for answers to their concerns. Bloom Consulting offers a wide array of professional consultants familiar with the importance of protecting organizations from cyber threat. Let us review your information and direct you with proven methods in maintaining internet security for your business. Contact us to keep your protected information secure.