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Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)

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Is your company in need of CARF accreditation but you aren’t sure where to start? Preparing for the CARF survey takes months and involves many details and information you may not know about. Our CARF accreditation consultants know exactly how to get you to your goal with our expert advice and guidance. Don’t risk making a mistake and missing out on all the benefits that this well-recognized accreditation provides.

meeting with CARF addreditation consultants

What is CARF?

Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) was founded in 1966 as an independent, nonprofit accrediting commission to assist with businesses related to health and human services. These lines of business include behavioral healthcare, child and youth services, aging services, opioid treatment programs, medical rehabilitation, vision rehabilitation services, and more. This accreditation covers North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Every year, over 15 million individuals receive care from CARF-accredited service providers. CARF accreditation consultants help the over 60,000 programs and services that bear the seal of approval prove they have put into practice the professionalism that comes with being accredited.

The CARF survey that determines if a business will receive accreditation is complex and time-consuming. It involves an extensive review of a company’s records, policies, and procedures, as well as interviews with staff members to gain a full understanding of how the business operates. CARF consists of an elected Board of Directors who review and approve policies related to standards development and the accreditation process. The mission of CARF is to “promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of persons served.”

Goals of CARF Accreditation

CARF was formed in order to achieve certain goals related to overseeing the development of quality standards in the healthcare industry. These goals start with providing a uniform standard way of recognizing companies and organizations that have earned their accreditation. Accreditation by CARF signals to customers, potential clients, and shareholders that the company has developed and maintained proven, safe, and effective standards that elevate their company above those who do not have accreditation. Companies that become CARF-accredited understand how to employ best practices when it comes to training, education, consulting, and other aspects related to their line of business.

CARF maintains as one of its goals the continued applicable research that assists in providing information and management techniques for healthcare companies. The organization helps average companies become better, and companies that already operate at a higher level than many to improve their game. These goals ultimately allow companies to provide the best care possible, which not only benefits vulnerable clients in need, but helps companies boost their ability to increase their profits.

The Value of CARF Accreditation

Many insurance companies will not provide coverage for programs that do not have CARF accreditation, making it imperative that treatment providers today become accredited. This accreditation shows that a company understands and provides quality care that their customers can trust is a step above the treatment provided by other companies. Establishing a solid reputation as a provider of gold-standard healthcare not only attracts more clients but also provides other benefits for companies that have CARF accreditation.

Banks and other financial institutions, along with insurance companies, reward accreditation by equating it with a company having financial stability. This can result in money-saving options available both in one-time offers and long-term financial opportunities. Many companies find that accreditation reduces their risks related to things like human resource events.

When the average person begins a search for healthcare treatment, it usually starts online. Having CARF accreditation sets a company apart from those that do not have it. It signals that the company meets certain important standards in the healthcare industry and is not some fly-by-night business that cannot be trusted. As well, many businesses that have accreditation find it advantageous to work with each other. They often form rewarding partnerships and are able to network with each other in a way that produces a greater ability to reach customers and increase profit.

man uses a stamper for approval

Services CARF Accreditation Consultants Can Provide

Becoming CARF accredited isn’t just a matter of filling out a form or some other simple task that any employee can accomplish. Accreditation consultants bring to the table their expertise in not only the value of having the CARF seal of approval but can also provide a company with a host of other important services that help increase its value.


Preparation for the survey begins months ahead of time, with adjustments often being made just days before it takes place. Our CARF accreditation consultants stay by your side through every step, creating a seamless path from your initial goal developed months earlier to the day you receive your accreditation.


Ultimately, your company is preparing for the laborious and time-intensive CARF survey that determines if you will receive the much sought-after accreditation. Much like mock testing done by students preparing for college exams, we help your company take mock surveys to help prepare for the real one. The more familiar you are with what questions will be asked and what supporting documentation you will need, the better you will be prepared. 


We provide an overview of all existing documents and review them for accuracy, extent of information provided, and proof-reading needs. We also help draft any needed documents not yet created. Our expert reviewers provide an extensive look at documents that include:

  • Administrative planning
  • Risk management plans
  • Program plans
  • Treatment plans
  • Performance analysis
  • Code of conduct
  • Billing audits
  • Client orientation handbook
  • All required quarterly documents
  • Treatment plans
  • Discharge plans
  • Grievance forms
  • Emergency procedure evaluation drill forms
  • Other documents


CARF focuses not only on what services a business provides but what their staff members and clients have to say about them. We help gather input from staff and clients that helps us identify strengths and areas for improvement. Use of this information is vital not only for the company owners but also shareholders, financial institutions, and needed resources. 


A website that is quick, efficient, information-laden, and provides a positive user experience is vital for any company seeking clients online. We review your website and offer feedback on any needed changes. 

Finding CARF Accreditation Consultants

If your healthcare company lacks CARF accreditation, we can help you. Our professional accreditation consultants help walk you through understanding the value of becoming accredited and remove the mystery of how to complete the process.

Contact Bloom Consulting today and let us help you get started on the CARF accreditation process so your company can begin reaping the benefits.